

Roughly 20 posts written so far today.

Thank goodness for drive, determination, great music, and a warm breeze through my office window.




Questions are more valuable than answers.

What if you have the right answer to the wrong question?

Deadly, no?



The opposite of conventional thinking.

i love it.

Going to the place where most people avoid.


There’s treasure untold there.

A skill i never listed on a resume

A skill i never listed on a resume?

Making something out of nothing.


Quickly making something out of nothing.


i can do it staring at 200+- blank blog post screens.i can do it in a classroom when someone asks a question that is off topic.

How does writing 30 blog posts in a few hours sound?

How does writing 30 blog posts in a few hours sound?

Hope you didn’t have other plans.

Oh well.

On this day in 2009, i turned 50 years old.

Now here we are, at 58.5, writing a bunch of blog posts while other work takes a back seat.

Ah, the life of an entrepreneur.

Would love to have been a fly on the wall and reread the “Disney” post i wrote this day but later deleted.

Oh well (again).