She said she just had to chuckle at their attempt to model world class leadership

Young girl from TV commercial
Business folk get a small handful of extraordinary leaders in their lifetime


She said she just had to chuckle at their attempt to model world class leadership. So I asked her why.

She said because they were so obviously unprepared it was embarrassing, and because she acted oblivious to it all, they both thought she was not aware.

It was a big, once-a-year, close-out-the-year type meeting. One of those meetings that reflects the entire body of a year’s worth of art work.

Ever have that happen?

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The art of overcoming our blind spots

Insightful website tag line
Jerry Smith offers an intriguing insight


The art of overcoming our blind spots.

  • admit we have them
  • admit we are oblivious to them
  • study what we see in others
  • what we see in others contains our strengths and opportunities
  • use our observations to get to the truth
  • forgive others for not telling us
  • forgive ourselves for not telling others

Go on about our day applying what we’ve learned.

All day.


Peace and blessings immeasurable to you.

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