Australia Day 4, home

Vanity license plate
What are the odds, 15 time zones from Walt Disney World?
Man by car wash
What are the odds, three weeks away from an Orlando keynote speech to a special American Car Wash company. Majestic1 is Australian.
Tommy's Express Car Wash
Tommy’s Express Car Wash is a client.
Tommy's Express Car Wash
Changing the Industry.
Tommy's Express Car Wash
Love the palm tree(s).
Tommy's Express Car Wash
Fully glass walls.

Working from anywhere, anytime is a dream come true.


Tomorrow’s Zoom call is scheduled for:

January 24, 5:00 PM Orlando time.

That same time where i am is:

January 25, 8:00 AM.

It’s a Small World After All.

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This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.

By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.