Email welcome to jeff noel’s Podcast:
Happy present moment, ________.
Welcome to a unique community of motivated and curious people. Congratulations on taking the risk. You’ll thank yourself later.
Bold statement? Sure. Walt Disney was bold. He’s inspired many dreamers to be bold. But for now, let us be the first to say, “Thanks.”
Among your most valuable assets in your life is your time and attention.
Choosing to invest your time and attention here is a gift to yourself.
We all struggle to find peace and contentment in a busy, noisy, crowded world—a world full of people jumping up and down, hands raised high, shouting “Pick me, pick me!” In reality, you’ve picked yourself.
To invest 15 minutes every Friday to have fun, .think .differently, and (gently) lean into discomfort is a powerful and wise choice.
It would not be inappropriate to high five yourself right now.
When was the last time you high-fived yourself?
Thanks for investing three seconds to have fun and lean into discomfort.
Finally, a reminder that just below your conscious awareness, you can envision your future being better than now, and not only better than now, but much better.
Please know we’ll work hard to keep future emails shorter than this one – just enough words to tee up the newest If Disney Ran Your Life episode.
Be amazed and be amazing.
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