If not you, who?

impossible? much depends on our answer.

If not you, who? Work life balance is on everyone’s “to do” list. Who’s your role model? Nearly four decades in the workforce and still without one.

So I decided to figure it out – experiment and practice – what made sense and what didn’t. Can’t believe it took so long to own up to my obligation to figure it out for myself. Same with you?

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The road to organizational excellence has no finish line

The road to organizational excellence has no finish line. The Disney Pixar blockbuster movie Cars (the original), is a coming-of-age story. The transformation of a selfish jerk (focused on excellence on the race track) to a selfless hero (on life’s glorious highway).

The main character, Lightning McQueen, reminds me a lot of someone else.

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How to tell if you’ll be buried alive?

find systems and processes that work for what you have

Having a full-time career involving travel, being a parent, spouse, running a small startup entrepreneurial business, volunteering, exercising, studying, managing a host of other things….it’s easy to get behind and eventually to get buried.

Truly, developing systems and processes to get and stay decently organized is a matter of survival.

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