

Surrender and the serenity prayer is the same thing.

Letting go of things i can’t control is the key to peace.

i completely control what (and why) i keep and what i repurpose, recycle, trash, or give away.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


i trusted them and it didn’t work

iAqualink device
Brighthouse reconfigured our wifi network, at my request, disabling the old network password.


Zodiac pool app
Called iAqualink at 2:41pm yesterday and discovered i need to connect my laptop to the pool device.


special pin cable required
i only own Apple created cables, none of which fit this.


Best Buy website
Best Buy recommended this SKU# and brought one to the store pick up desk.


Best Buy product
Never doubting Best Buy, i discovered, at home, it was the wrong cable.


i trusted them and it didn’t work yesterday. Had to invest an additional hour to return and repurchase. i remained calm and grateful the entire time.

Backstory: Brighthouse came to fix a cable TV issue the day prior and turns out there was nothing to fix. i felt bad for the technician, so i asked if he could take a quick look at my wifi router. It worked fine but he had an idea how it could work better.

This change caused our old network, and password, to become obsolete. The pool app requires special handling. We leave tomorrow for four days. The pool is either going to run non-stop or not at all, since the mobile app cannot be connected. So there’s a time sensitivity to this.

One small thing has multiple ripple effects.

The good news is that even though pressed hard for time, it was still manageable because of good and decent organization and prioritization.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

Figure it out is all we can do

Spray painted sidewalk marker
Spray painted sidewalk marker during yesterday’s run near Florida Turnpike. 
Spray painted sidewalk marker
On the sidewalk, an icon or logo idea.


Funny how things on our to-do list can go untouched all day. Not the day to day stuff, but the other stuff we need to do on top of daily responsibilities.

Figure it out is all we can do.

Next Blog

What to do when work starts piling up and control seems to be evaporating

Orlando homeowner landscaping project - February 20, 2013
Orlando homeowner landscaping project – February 20, 2013


What can we do when work starts piling up and control seems to be evaporating? Three choices:

  1. Figure it out and do it yourself
  2. Figure it out and hire someone
  3. Figure it out and don’t worry about not getting it done

Life is simple. Simple doesn’t mean easy. Figure it out. No one will do this for us because we’re adults.

Next Blog


What’s our personal responsibility at home today?

Personal responsibility.. inside and out…

palm tree trimming

What’s our personal responsibility at home today? To clean up a pile? To create a more efficient system? To purge things? To merge things? To clean? To keep up with chores? To get ahead with chores? To unbury ourselves? Our desk? Our emails? Inside the house? Outside the house? The vehicles? The bills?

This is all separate from mind, body, spirit… and career. This is on top of all that. Overwhelming, right?

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