
photo of McDonalds place mat slogan
12.12.12 – a date that’s outrageously rare, it happens once n 100 years


One hundred days ago – “big buzz on Facebook this morning with 12.12.12”.

Here we are March 22, 2013. Does the awareness of that special December date mean anything today? Why did it catch our attention in the first place? Nothing unique happened that day.

What does the trivia of the moment do for us? And is it more that just trivia?

* * * * *

This month I’m inviting the Mid Life Celebration community to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It couldn’t be easier to go from this HQ blog to the mental attitude blog , just click -> go to Next Blog



Prelude to social media change at Mid Life Celebration

life's gauges
look closely at the gauge… it’s time to clean the filter… (few things in life come with an accurate gauge)


Prelude to social media change at Mid Life Celebration. More is coming. Faster.

Change is always happening, usually too slow to perceive – take aging. We see it in others much quicker than we do in ourselves.

WordPress keeps pressing on. Thank goodness for determination. And change.

Next Blog

Shipment progress and the art of personal organization

No words today, just a picture story book…

On a slow boat from China?
On a slow boat from China?
A present? For me?
A present? For me?
Disney World's birthday
October 1, 2012 was a birthday celebration in my home town
iPhone 5
the world is changing before our very eyes


Wow, looks like you’ve read all five posts today. Excellent. If you didn’t begin at Mid Life Celebration, you jump there now because you deserve it.

One HQ Twitter profile idea

One HQ Twitter profile idea

Even trash can be neatly organized…

Servant, Husband, Dad, Son, brother, speaker, Boomer, runner. Living so if anyone says something bad, no one will believe it.

Putting the words “trying to” at the beginning of the last sentence drastically lowers the bar. You get that. Right?

Next Blog