Trivial Tradition

Find The Tradition?
Find The Tradition?

Yesterday we were running errands and while driving to the post office, I gave my son two envelopes and asked him to run them inside when I pulled up.

He asked me, “Why doesn’t Mommy put her stamps upside down?”

The first person that can answer why I do it will win a free prize.

The free prize is valuable.


The World Isn't Going To Wait For You
The World Isn't Going To Wait For You

Why do we allow our childhood dreams to wither and die?

Is it because too many people tell us we can’t, we shouldn’t, it’s not worth it, you’ll fail, it’s too much work?

Ignoring the Internet would be like ignoring indoor plumbing. A long time ago, there wasn’t indoor plumbing. Guess where you went to the bathroom?

What if someone still didn’t embrace indoor plumbing?

The Internet is strangely similar to indoor plumbing.  It’s a tool that makes our lives infinitely easier.

And for the few who work the hardest, it gives them a voice.

And a better opportunity to live out their childhood dreams.

It’s All You

I Only Use My Own Blog Photos
I Only Use My Own Blog Photos

What is your personal brand? Do you even think about your personal brand?

Does it turn you off just reading this, because you know you should be thinking about it but your current education and experience level allow you to feel inferior?

Please don’t let it. I’m almost begging you to try harder and not give up. Branding yourself takes creativity, but it doesn’t need to be complicated.

Guess who’s the guy people are starting to know as “The Internet’s only Five-A-Day Blogger”.

And, the guy who always has a camera in his pocket?

Over And Over And Over And…

Does Common Sense Have a Glass Ceiling?
Does Common Sense Have a Glass Ceiling?

Never get bored with the basics.

Common sense is the secret.

The reason people don’t embrace common sense, and don’t practice common sense is simple.

If it’s too simple, it can’t work.

This is why you hear me say the same thing on these five blogs.

Over and over and over and…..