It’s that time of year, the year end, that pressure mounts.
Are you feeling it?
What’s the antidote?
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
It’s that time of year, the year end, that pressure mounts.
Are you feeling it?
What’s the antidote?
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Do you read the captions I put on (nearly) every photo?
Do you know I take every photo published on these five blogs?
Real life in real time!
Sign your work with Excellence.
Because if you don’t, well, you don’t.
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Things happen that can’t be explained. Happens all the time, doesn’t it? And things happen that can be explained. We often shudder at the revelation of the truth.
And there are things that are both.
I can explain why I’m slowing down and not posting on the weekends. In fact, I already have. But do you really know why?
Telling stories and connecting emotionally are two of the most fundamental, and overlooked, keys to successful branding. If you’re struggling with your brand, it may be that you haven’t put enough thought into it.
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You know I’ve been writing five different blogs everyday for a year now, right?
In fact today marks the one-year anniversary of the writing initiative to reinvent blogging and diversify social media.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed.
A small New England Publisher (and a values-based organization) and I have been in publishing negotiations for several months now, shortly after returning from the World Championships in Finland.
Yesterday, we finally reached an agreement and we signed the contract!
A book a year for the next five years!
Can you believe it. Five books. I have worked all my life for this moment.
Wanted to wait until this morning to tell my Family, and you.
Oh, and there’s one more thing you should know:
April Fools!
Note: This was the April Fools Day post I had put up April 1, 2010, and almost immediately took it down. Had some feedback that it wasn’t that funny. After reading it again this morning, decided it really is post-worthy. Hope it made you smile.
(next blog)
The first day of my summer vacation, I went downtown, to look for a job.
The second day of my summer vacation, I went downtown, to look for a job.
The third day…..
A prize for the first person who can identify what I’m talking about.
BTW, this is day number eight.