How much of what we do is overkill?

Indianapolis circle in city center
quite a lot of steps for the floor space at the top


How much of what we do is overkill?

Relative to the standing public space at the top of the steps, are the steps themselves not massively overdone?

Maybe overkill is art.

Maybe it’s not.

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Do you know a great desk jockey?

New Leadership book on display at Chicago Midway airport
New Leadership book on display at Chicago Midway airport

Do you know a great desk jockey?

Not disc jockey.

Desk. As in someone who “rides” a desk all day.

A leader. Controlling things from the control room, sitting in a desk chair.

With the obligation option to visit the front lines.

Options temp us. To pick the best one for us, not necessarily for the others.

Is this what Ed Fuller is saying?