Think snowball effect in the midst of world class pyrotechnics?

Epcot IllumiNations show viewed from Mexico bridge
Epcot IllumiNations show viewed from Mexico bridge



A minor epiphany last night at Epcot while waiting and watching IllumiNations. The number of people carrying an adult beverage (International Food and Wine Festival) seemed to outweigh the number not. We (three adults, two 13 year olds) found a great viewing spot an hour in advance. About ten minutes before the show, six folks gather behind us and one of them forced himself in on the opposite end of me (so I didn’t see it happen until it was done).

My wife tried to kindly point this out. The seriously inebriated man got sassy with her and by this point I’m fully engaged, but quiet (for about five seconds). Then enter a sober, focused, yet non-threatening, serious vibe. All I said to him was Dude (learned that from Turtle Talk).

Then I changed spots to be at his end of our group rather than the opposite. No further incidents.

Ten minutes later, there is another non-vilolent f-bomb exchange between him and a different visitor.

A rare drunken occurrence, fine.

A habitual drunken demonstration of organizational skills, wow.

Think snowball effect.

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Things that matter. Things that don’t. Hard to tell sometimes.

Things that matter. Things that don’t. Hard to tell sometimes.

Does music matter in life?

Does it matter at work?

For sure it matters in life.

Any professional speaker who considers what she or he does as art, then for sure.



A Rascal Flatts song could fit for the facilitator before anyone arrives.

A song like this, during the first intense self reflection and writing exercise in a packed room.

And maybe a song like this is it’s an official voice of God announcer introduces you for a keynote speech for 2,500.

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Time, opportunity, and energy wait for no one

Roadblocks simply are there to be destroyed
Roadblocks simply are there to be destroyed


Time, opportunity, and energy wait for no one.

I see so many people – and am tempted daily myself – to think the conditions need to be right for good things to happen.

How’s that working out for us?

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PS. I absolutely love Delta Airlines.