Benefits To Going A Little Farther

Not Big Words, Big Results
Not Big Words, Big Results

Quitting is easy, and the gate is wide.

Not quitting is difficult and the gate narrow.

We have all read and heard story after story of people who hung on and went just a little bit farther in pursuit of their goal or dream. And we all know what happens when this happens.

A break. A revelation. Great results. Some sort of blessing that seemed so out of reach.

And then there it is, right in your lap.

September’s Page views were greater than the previous 3 months combined. Hits for one month were almost as great as the previous 3 months combined.


Life Of A Rockstar?

There is something about travel that is exciting and adventurous.

If you travel for a living, you don’t have to pay the financial currency, but you still have to pay, except the transaction fee  is with the other currency.


And we all know that Time waits for no one.

Time is also a fair currency. We all get exactly the same.

How will you invest today?

Gotta Say It

It's My Job To Say Things
It's My Job To Say Things

Life on the road is challenging.

There ain’t no glamor on the road. There is a very strong sense of accomplishment, helping people see what excellence looks like, how it works, and what they might try differently to become more excellent.

That’s a huge privilege I get, as a professional speaker.

The downside? Is there one?


What do you gotta say?  How would you say it?  Why?

These are questions only you can answer. Do you? Will you?