How Can It Be Sad And Exciting At The Same Time?

Sad the cream is melting. Exciting because...I have an ice cream cone!

Reflecting back on yesterday’s blog post. Sure, it’s really sad most people can’t manage balance. It’s exciting because jeff noel is willing and able to try a different approach.

jeff noel fails, sure. Gives up, never.

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Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel Is Based In One Of The Most Creative Think Tank Towns In The (Disney) World

With Summer officially over, Mid Life Celebration looks back and smiles gratefully for the intense thinking, creative dreaming, and indomitable will that led to a breakthrough. A critical, small-business-entrepreneur question was asked, then answered.

This may not make sense at first (or ever) to you….jeff noel didn’t struggle with the answer, he struggled with finding the right question. noel’s hometown of Walt Disney World facilitated his confidence.

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Did Anyone Ever Say Life Would Be Easy?

Surely you can do small things with great love

No one ever said life would be easy. But no one said we couldn’t try to make it easier for each other. jeff noel writes to help others:

  1. Think: self-reflection fuels understanding & wisdom
  2. Smile: a universal sign of happiness
  3. Be grateful: the source of all great wealth (peace)

Amazing happens. Help facilitate it. Go.

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The Blog Whisperer Got 150 Out Of 150, A+?

Mid Life Celebration LLC wants to make a ton of money! But only so it can give it away to the good folks searching for a cure….MLC is the world’s 1st for-profit, non-profit.

Epic writing effort by The Blog Whisperer – 150 posts in one marathon Memorial Day weekend. This is #150 out of 150. Whew. Exhilarating!

This is one of those teachable moments: You may not even realize it, but you are watching David prepare to meet Goliath.

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In One Weekend, The Blog Whisperer Wrote 150 Posts, This Is 149

Mid Life Celebration’s story board…and miles to go before I sleep…

In one long weekend, The Blog Whisperer put a process in place to create space to complete Mid Life Celebration’s big project – the first of many best-selling books. It’s Memorial Day (2011) morning and this is post 149 of 150.

Five daily blogs multiplied by 30 days = 150 posts.

I don’t expect anyone to care. But I do expect you to think, smile or be grateful.

I wake up every single morning, no matter where in the world I am – for 26 straight months – not having a clue what to write, but sitting down and beginning the writing…. Mind, Body, Spirit, Money & HQ.

Thank you for being here as the 27th month concludes.

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