HQ Is About Daily Administration

Here, It's Obvious
Here, It's Obvious

Day in and day out, we have decisions to make. And even when we choose not to decide, we still have made a choice. The head of the household has many responsibilities. First and foremost is safety and security.

This Orlando Sentinel story from Saturday illustrates how the right choice in technology can provide a deterrent. Sure, it takes more than secret cameras to stop a thief, but obviously, some people have taken steps to make choosing their house not worth the effort.

As my neighbor always says about his home, “This house is protected three days a week by Smith & Wesson. You pick the days.”

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It Happened While I Was Gone

Time Marches On
Time Marches On

This morning marks the first day of Fall in Central Florida. Of course, it doesn’t match the calendar date of the official start. But in Central Florida, in a sub-tropical climate, seasonal changes are much more subtle – nearly invisible.

And we are so busy rushing from day to day that we barely notice the passing of time.

Today is the first day since April that the temperature dipped below 70 degrees. And even though I write this from North Carolina, I paused long enough to notice.

Crazy, isn’t it? Next Blog


Some Days It's McDonalds, Some Days, Mortons
Some Days It's McDonalds, Some Days, Mortons

Life can be grueling in good economic times and then when it’s like it is now, well, grueling can go up exponentially. About every other week, I travel to give speeches. You’ve got to be organized to manage your health on the road.

It is dangerously easy to make exceptions, or excuses, and let things like sleep, eating well, and staying in touch with Family slide.

And then there are those rare moments when you do really well.

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6.5 Great Ways To Build Self-Confidence

Also, Get An MBA
Also, Get An MBA
The best way to build self-confidence is to build self confidence. — jeff noel

Here are a couple examples:

  1. Start a blog
  2. Write in it every day
  3. Start a business
  4. Market your business
  5. Make a profit
  6. Help people transform themselves
  7. Become physically fit

There are hundreds more. If you’re confident enough to respond here, share some of yours?

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Day To Day Administration

Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ
Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ

Happy Thursday, the second day of Fall. Traffic at my blogs spiked 25% in the past few days. Thanks to hard work, Twitter, LinkedIn, Go Daddy, WordPress, and YOU!  🙂

These are social media names that are part of any avid blogger’s vocabulary, and an essential part of a blogger’s day to day administration.

Life is amazing. We get out of it (day to day) what we put into it. Claiming personal responsibility for your mental, physical, spiritual and financial well being  is what will make or break you.

It’s overwhelming. And hard. And easy to give up.

When people who are important in your life remember you after you’re gone, will they hold you up as an example or as a warning?

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