Announcement: one foot in front of the other

muddy grass

Announcement: one foot in front of the other. Trip’s fourth day. Camp’s second full day underway. Okay. Deep breath. And it’s 10:30am. Finally, today’s fifth and final blog post (this one) is done.

Finding time to enjoy one of three wifi hotspots is a challenge during Scouting summer camp. There’s a lot going on. Hard to keep up. Highs and lows. Lovin’ every minute, even when I’m not.

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Categorized as Day To Day

Should we organize our thoughts as well as our stuff?

changing lives
some people actually think it’s their daily job to do this. I know I do.


Should we organize our thoughts as well as our stuff? Can we? Will we?

Excellence is a habit. Refusing to let average become a habit is also a habit. Disney has taught many people many great things. Who can argue with Disney’s service excellence strategies?

I certainly can’t.

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