A Reader Said, I Don’t Know How You Do It

Hard work always shows up on the list of answers when people ask, “How do you do it”?

But what rarely gets identified (which is why God put me here) is the real secret to achieving our dreams.

Mid Life Celebration takes a ton of photos, by design.

This photo has purpose. Which is why I took it 8 days ago at Epcot. It helps us get closer to the right questions.

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How Do You Organize A Goo-Gillion Photos?

The same way you do everything else, very carefully.

Mid Life Celebration uses Apple’s iPhoto ’11, iDisk, and Mobile Me.

For PC users this simply means there’s a multi-level approach to automate the dissemination, storage and retrieval of 1,000’s of pictures.

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Another Benefit To Following The Blog Whisperer

Another benefit to following The Blog Whisperer, The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger, is the occasional surprise or random fun challenge. Know where this is from?

Hint, it’s from jeff noel’s hometown, Walt Disney World.

Having read many books about Walt Disney, and living next door to Magic Kingdom for a few decades, to call jeff noel a Disney expert would be true or false?

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You Visit Mid Life Celebration Blogs Because You Understand Life Is Hard…

Couldn’t help myself to reuse this photo.

There’s a natural selection process in nature – survival of the fittest.

There’s one in blogging and social media too – birds of a feather flock together.

You visit Mid Life Celebration blogs because you understand that life is hard, simplification is key, and prioritization is do or die.

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It Matters Little To Walk To Do This, If Not The Walking, IS The Doing

From any angle, any vantage point, the teacher ought to model the message, or die trying.

It matters little to walk to do the teaching if not the walking, IS the teaching.

Not a perfect walk, but a walk steeped in noble intent and seasoned with human tragedy and triumph.

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