The unspoken pain of obligation to your brand

Disney's Tomorrowland Raceway sign
sign should read, Thank you for being part of the greatest spectacle in blogging


The unspoken pain of obligation to your brand. For four years, I’ve written five daily, differently-themed posts. There is so much to do today and I wanted to get a jump start on it.

But first, there’s an obligation, a promise, to solemnly swear to walk the talk. To actually write five different blogs. Every single day. Without fail.

* * * * *

This month I’m inviting the Mid Life Celebration community to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It couldn’t be easier to go from this HQ blog to the mental attitude blog , just click -> go to Next Blog


Most business trips all you see is the airport and the hotel where you’re working

Hyatt Regency New Orleans inside view from 25th floor
Hyatt Regency New Orleans is a beautiful hotel with exceptional service


25th floor of Hyatt Regency, across the street from Mercedes Benz Siuperdome
Hyatt Regency across the street from Mercedes Benz Siuperdome


New Orleans Mercedes Benz Superdome off in the distance
New Orleans Mercedes Benz Superdome off in the distance


Most business trips all you see is the airport and the hotel where you’re working. Arrival night was room service dinner, last night was Hyatt lobby restaurant dinner, and breakfast at the Hyatt Starbucks.

Pretty unglamorous. Mostly.

Except when it’s not. Tomorrow, a few photos from the not part.

* * * * *

This month I’m inviting the Mid Life Celebration community to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It couldn’t be easier to go from this HQ blog to the mental attitude blog , just click -> go to Next Blog


Dedicated to restoring the homestead back to it’s original condition

orlando landscaping
Orlando 2005


Dedicated to restoring the homestead back to it’s original condition… some things snowball out of control until they get too big to handle.

Two choices:

  1. Let it go
  2. Do something about it

Took three bids yesterday on a complete landscape makeover. A price will be paid whether I do it or someone else does.

Next Blog

Midlife makeover?

midlife make over
don’t be one

Heading to my 35th High School reunion in three days. Most of us will look and feel like we’ve been at war with life. Why? Because we have. We all have. No exceptions. The multi-item goal no one demands we acknowledge is this:

A heart full of love, a spirit full of joy, a soul full of peace, a body that houses everything that keeps us alive, and an executive office where we sit as CEO of Me, Inc.

Next Blog

An important reminder as you strive for improvement in 2013

The best time to look for a job is when you already have one…

LinkedIn profiles
must have changed the title 30 times since inception
many changes... not afraid of making mistakes
many changes… not afraid of making mistakes
a border is good
a border is good

An important reminder as you strive for improvement in 2013…

Everything takes longer than we think.

Here’s what I remind myself: the time will pass anyway. Keep moving forward.

Next Blog