Where does a person go to see authenticity?

Funny note pad message
Busy and authentic are at odds with each other


Where does a person go to see authenticity?



If you’re not in the business of self-help, it really looks like authenticity is real.

So many people are simply trying to put bread on the table – whatever it takes.

Great acting is alive and well.

The misfits, the odd balls, the loners, the antagonists – they all have two things in common.


And a vision.

Moving from surviving to thriving changes the way you approach your art.

Been there, done that, doing it still (only better), and will do it until death.


What did you expect?

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it!

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It’s like a broken record for organized people in midlife

Double green left turn arrows at big intersection
Without excellent fundamental processes, we’d be in big trouble


It’s like a broken record for organized people in midlife.

  • They know the paperwork of life never stops coming
  • They know stress and organization are related (and directly proportional)
  • They never get bored with the basics of staying organized

Overcoming defeat and excuses continues as job one here.

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