Invest in yourself

Disney night time entertainment
Investing in the Guest experience is a cultural thing for world class organizations


Invest in yourself.

In a career spanning four Disney decades (80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s),  have watched and experienced first hand how Disney relentlessly works to continuously improve the total experience.

What if invested in ourselves in similar fashion?

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Failure to organize is a gift

Inspiring quote
We will not die if our stuff vanishes.


Failure is a gift… if we learn from it. And the beautifully redundant lesson is that failure is not fatal (exceptions to everything, but you get the picture).

Toss things. Give things away. Repurpose.

Worst case, we will feel separation anxiety.

Best case, we feel a freedom we haven’t felt in a long, long time.

And we’re talking a freedom that is beyond amazing.



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How has the time passed by so quickly?

College off-campus housing


(photo: seems like only yesterday we were having fun in college)

Tomorrow is September 1, 2014

It is also May 24.

(yes, this writing 100 days in advance can be a turn off ) (it can also be a turn on)

Only 15 days until the age of 55.

We look back on our life and we ask, “How has the time passed by so quickly?”

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One woman has written nearly 3,000 letters to people

A clear, concise, compelling life purpose is more valuable than winning the lottery.


Facebook feed yesterday about a woman who has written nearly 3,000 letters to people who wanted an encouraging word.

And to think there are 10,000 Mid Life Celebration posts.

Both numbers are ridiculously inspiring.

Go, do something great.

Even if it takes five, ten, 20 or 50 years.

Inspire and be inspired.

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