We said it and taught it at Disney Institute

Jack the Teddy bear
Last night at ABE (Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton) airport, now called Lehigh Valley International.


Organize to maximize was a phrase we said (and taught) at Disney Institute. It’s the only way a photo like the one above was possible last night.

What this means is that i organized my creativity so that i could retire early from a 30-year career i adored.

And i organized my long-term plans in a creative way so that i could avoid regret.

The photo above happened because i was able to travel to Allentown on a moment’s notice, without having to check with “the boss”. i am now the boss.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

What is our responsibility?

Nursing home
Yesterday, the 89-year old was concerned about getting back on time or risking poor treatment.


What is our responsibility?

Do we confront – honestly, openly, and lovingly – glaring situations or is it better to look the other way? Maybe avoiding confrontation is actually the high road.

Maybe it isn’t.

Where is the line for codependence and should we cross it (at any cost)?

Perhaps the only way to discover uncharted territory is to go there.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

Dwell like you mean it

iPhone 6s box
Last night, the new iPhone 6s box.


Walt and Lillian Disney
Would Walt have insisted on getting the newest iPhone on the release date?


Dwell like you mean it.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

Drip, drip, drip your way to organized

Apple Pencil
Over managing the details others under manage or ignore is how Apple (and Disney) creates game changing art.


Apple Pencil
Incredible and astonishing first generation Apple Pencil will seen antiquated in a year or two.


Drip, drip, drip your way to organized.

There is only one way to continuously improve.

And it’s obvious.

You have to continuously improve at continuously improving.

It’s tiring, boring work.

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Rest is a weapon

Before going to bed last night, did we know our plan for when we awoke this morning? One priority was to photograph names of subdivisions behind Magic Kingdom, for a friend who wants to purchase a residence here.


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Rest is a weapon against apathy and mediocrity.

Between ambition and being disorganized, we fight a battle with our time usage.

This will literally last a lifetime.

Consider one of my mantras:

The work day begins the night before.

It’s primary meaning is that we plan tomorrow’s priorities before we go to bed.

Of course, this is challenging, difficult even, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

It also means we should figure out how to be in bed early enough to allow for adequate and consistent rest. Simple, but not easy.

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