How does writing 30 blog posts in a few hours sound?

How does writing 30 blog posts in a few hours sound?

Hope you didn’t have other plans.

Oh well.

On this day in 2009, i turned 50 years old.

Now here we are, at 58.5, writing a bunch of blog posts while other work takes a back seat.

Ah, the life of an entrepreneur.

Would love to have been a fly on the wall and reread the “Disney” post i wrote this day but later deleted.

Oh well (again).

Guess what?

Guess what?

i wrote five differently-themed posts this morning between 5-7am.

Ate breakfast, helped Cheryl with a few things as she does her Christmas transformation in our home.

So yeah, today is Sunday, November 26, 2017.

Our Son spent the night at a classmate’s house with a couple other buddies to celebrate one of their birthdays.

Windows open.

Sun shining without a cloud in the sky.

It’s 73 degrees at 11:30am.

Guess what?

Life is good.

Had tickets (twice) to see Led Zeppelin in 1977

Had tickets (twice) to see Led Zeppelin in 1977.

The first time in May at the Capital Center in Landover, Maryland.

Don’t remember much – we started drinking way too early in the day.

The second time for June at JFK stadium in Philadelphia.

John Bonham, the drummer, asphyxiated on his own vomit.