Being organized for the future starts when?

Disney Keynote Speaker jeff noel
Disney World has two water bridges. This is the original by Magic Kingdom. The other is at Epcot.


Today is the 2015 Annual Walt Disney World Half Marathon. No doubt it will travel under Disney’s northern water bridge (above). A once a year or once-in-a-lifetime event for some.

One aspect of being decently organized is doing things today that won’t pay off until 10, 20,or even 30+ years later.

Like being able to go under Disney’s iconic Magic Kingdom water bridge every day if you want to.

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As an Orlando based motivational speaker

Downtown Orlando city projects


(photo: Orlando is having a downtown renaissance.)

As an Orlando based motivational speaker, the goal is greater impact with less travel. So many national and global conventions happen at Walt Disney World and Orlando.

The upside to being Orlando focused is the opportunity to create better, more compelling connections. Something that’s challenging to do when racking up Delta Skymiles.

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Downtown Orlando canvs is organized to help start ups succeed

Orlando canvs meeting space


Orlando canvs meeting space


(photo: This space was once part of Orlando’s biggest night time entertainment district – Church Street Station.)

Your dreams. The ones (or maybe only one) you dream about all the time. The one you are currently dusting off. The one you are actively chasing with all your heart and soul. That one. What’s next?

Organized enough to arrive early to a new type of meeting space in downtown Orlando. It’s called canvs.

Thanks to David Laietta for organizing the Orlando WordPress community around this.

A side benefit of being organized?

Networking with people like James, Necole and Chris.

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His campus will soon enlarge

Orlando Based Keynote speakers


(photo: October 23, 2014… last night. The final engagement?)

What does it mean to be obsessively intentional?

His campus will enlarge from Walt Disney World to Central Florida.

Live your life so that if someone ever said anything bad about you, no one will believe it.

Be well and remain amazed.

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