It’s Easier To Do This, Isn’t It?

Follow The Current?
Follow The Current?

You know what humans are like?


Water is always looking for the easiest route. Water never chooses the uphill path. Only and always, the downhill path.

Sound familiar?

This is why we need to spend a significant amount of time figuring this out.

We have two choices.

  1. Follow the herd
  2. Lead the herd

If the followers are so smart with their ideas on how the leader should do things, why don’t they simply take charge?

Because their ideas don’t cut it.

Hard work does. And followers don’t have the guts to do the hard work. They sit in the shadows and know neither the agony of defeat, nor the thrill of victory.

Are You Happy?

Are you happy with the way you answered yesterday’s questions?

Lying in bed last night in this Albuquerque hotel room, listening to Mark Schultz on the headphones, my mind went racing.

Almost in a panic.

Mostly instigated from the two You Tube videos I posted two nights ago. Our son was four.

He’s closing in on ten.

Where did the time go?

What am I?

Who am I?

Am I happy?

Are You Aware?

How Many of You Are There?
How Many of You Are There?

Two really basic questions today:

  1. What are you?
  2. Who are you?

Which leads us to more questions.

How do you know?

How do you define yourself?

How do others define you?

Is there a difference?

Does it even matter?