
Why is this bear in pictures from all over the world?

Ever ask why?

Why am I so organized?

Why am I so disorganized?

Why do I care so much?

Why don’t I care very much?

Life is an ongoing battle to make good choices.

What do you do to stay focused on good?

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State Of The Union, 5/5

Real Artist’s ship. – Steve Jobs, 1983

Yes, the art you see above is from my hand.

A 3-minute masterpiece.

Wanted a simple visual, in order to explain life’s big choices to a little boy.

And even the choice -to be paralyzed with indecision, or simply create and ship – is a teachable moment, when that little boy realizes that inspiration doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be passionate.

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Off To Work We Go…

Snapped this photo from the Disney Dream Cruise Ship on January 9th…

Not everyone’s Monday is going to be magical today.

And do you think people really care if you’ve got problems?

Everybody has problems.

I’m trying, by writing five daily, differently themed blogs, to encourage you to dig deep within yourself. Do what you need to do. And if you can’t do it alone, please get help.

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