When Do You Start Working?

Dear Son, I'm mindful that success comes with a price. So does selling yourself short.

The work day begins the night before. That may seem a bit compulsive or addictive. (maybe it is) Or, it’s what’s required to be world class.

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When Do You Stop Working?

Not everything is as it appears. (this is Disney's Contemporary Resort)

Ha! Normally, well, more like compulsively, I write five blog posts before the sun comes up. It’s 9:15pm as I begin this post. This may seem like trivial, boring detail in the life of someone most of you barely know. That’s the compelling thing about why I write. What seems trivial isn’t.

For example: What promises do you make to yourself, and fulfill, no mater what?

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Categorized as Blog Stuff

Don’t Expect It During Your Lifetime

Why not just walk down to the river's edge, cup our hand and grab a drink?
We talk a kitchen sink for granted. A toilet too.

There may come a time when humans slow down and “go with the flow” and not push so hard for the next big thing that will make our lives easier (and the inventors rich).

Personally, I won’t expect it during my lifetime.

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