Dear Son, some vacation it turned out to be

A rack with hundreds of bronze, silver and gold medals
what if kids could earn medals and trophies for personal responsibility?


Dear Son, some vacation it turned out to be. Rationalizing that busy Christmas vacation days are necessary to keep Mid Life Celebration moving forward while also playing catchup on household projects left undone earlier in the year.

Great argument for why parents should teach kids organizational skills early, so kids don’t have to spend their adult life making up for decades of distractions (and medications) from the daily grind.

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101 days later

Christmas evening 2012, 9:56pm…

The fifth and final post for today – like the previous 1,466 days – almost done.

The trick with writing everyday is finding enough time to keep them short, and not cheating nor taking short cuts and going on, and on, and on…

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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