Think snowball effect in the midst of world class pyrotechnics?

Epcot IllumiNations show viewed from Mexico bridge
Epcot IllumiNations show viewed from Mexico bridge



A minor epiphany last night at Epcot while waiting and watching IllumiNations. The number of people carrying an adult beverage (International Food and Wine Festival) seemed to outweigh the number not. We (three adults, two 13 year olds) found a great viewing spot an hour in advance. About ten minutes before the show, six folks gather behind us and one of them forced himself in on the opposite end of me (so I didn’t see it happen until it was done).

My wife tried to kindly point this out. The seriously inebriated man got sassy with her and by this point I’m fully engaged, but quiet (for about five seconds). Then enter a sober, focused, yet non-threatening, serious vibe. All I said to him was Dude (learned that from Turtle Talk).

Then I changed spots to be at his end of our group rather than the opposite. No further incidents.

Ten minutes later, there is another non-vilolent f-bomb exchange between him and a different visitor.

A rare drunken occurrence, fine.

A habitual drunken demonstration of organizational skills, wow.

Think snowball effect.

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It’s expensive either way

Amway Center Orlando Magic and Walt Disney World signs
Orlando is becoming famous for something else – digital economies (many supported by WordPress)


Fingers crossed that bravery, focus, and decisiveness will wash over fear today at the monthly Orlando WordPress meetup.

There’s a high cost to moving forward in an excellent way.

There’s a high cost for sitting on the fence and not doing much of anything.

It’s expensive either way.

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How abundant or rare is this thing we crave?

School play "International Parade" (7th & 8th graders on stage)
School play “International Parade” (7th & 8th graders on stage)


How abundant or rare is this thing we crave?


We cherish it in others and long for it in ourselves.

Busy, busy schedules complicate our lives and challenge us to the point of no return. Tempted and discouraged, we no longer focus on being authentic – it takes too long and the process to reach genuine authenticity often comes under attack.

Our motives will be attacked also. And new people enter our life who have no previous experience with us.

Being authentic can appear to others as weakness, or a lack of ambition.

It’s tough being an adult, especially one organizing their life around becoming authentic or maintaining authenticity.

Authenticity. Rare. Hence valuable.

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Preaching what Mid Life Celebration practices?

paperback best seller Mid Life Celebration
Drum roll please….


Fear is real emotion. But it was intended to keep us alive as cavemen and cavewomen. Sense danger, fight or flight.

Fast forward a goo-gillion years. In a civilized society, fear helps keep us safe from making a fool of ourselves.

Yes, and…

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. – Teddy R.

Mid Life Celebration is about changing the game of life.

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Chairs and boxes are a big part of Mid Life Celebration

Chairs and boxes are a big part of Mid Life Celebration (more later)
Chairs and boxes are a big part of Mid Life Celebration (more later)


White rocking chair on Orlando front porch
The meaning behind chairs will be revealed as time goes by – much like life itself


Mid Life Celebration book package on poolside chair
In the sun…


Mid Life Celebration book package on poolside chair
…or in the shade… Mid Life Celebration is life’s greatest second chance.


Chairs and boxes are a big part of Mid Life Celebration (more later)
Chairs and boxes are a big part of Mid Life Celebration (more later)


Mid Life Celebration has created logo art that revolves around a chair and a box.

Think Apple computer. Apple is not a fruit company. And the reason Apple added the bite in their logo is so consumers would not mistake the apple for a cherrie. The bite adds perspective. True story.

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