What Would You Do?

If you knew you could not fail, what would you do differently?  Know what I’ve learned in 50 years? All these quotes, cliches, sayings, parables, etc. – they only work if you do.

“No rules for success will work if you don’t”.

“Everything takes longer than we think it will, or longer than we want it to”.

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”.

Quote me.  Love me.  Hate me.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is what you do.  Got it?

For anyone thinking it’s more sophisticated than this, it ain’t.  Carpe diem!

Unknown Fact of Little Interest?

Honeymoon 1984
Honeymoon 1984

Married in June 1983, we finally took our honeymoon in August 1984. We rode our bicycles from the Pacific Ocean to Grand Coulee Dam.

Two main portions of the trip:

  1. Touring the San Juan Islands of Puget Sound
  2. Traveling along the North Cascades Highway

It was the trip of a lifetime.  Not your typical honeymoon, eh?

We traveled 600 miles in 17 days, and spent less than $200.

Happy Saturday everyone.

Michael Jordan On Failure

“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.  I have lost almost 300 games.  On 28 occasions, I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and missed.  I have failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed”. —  Michael Jordan

Boy this sure sounds familiar….

Walt Disney World Birthday

Walt Disney World Birthday.  Disney World, in Florida, turns 38 today.

My wife and I, married 26 years, grew up in Pennsylvania, watching Walt Disney  (the person) on TV Sunday nights.

Cheryl and I didn’t become friends until we were about 20 years old.

We also didn’t know that in 1984, we’d move to Central Florida and call it home. Or that Walt Disney would be an integral part of our lives.

And even more amazing, we didn’t know we’d buy a nice lot and build our dream home within view of the nightly Magic Kingdom fireworks.