Soul Silver Pokemon

Pokemon (Pocket Monster)
Pokemon (Pocket Monster)

What do children want?

Seems to me they want their parents to notice stuff.

Notice what they like to do and how well they do it.

Last night our son and I put a five dollar deposit on the new Pokemon game, Soul Silver, which is being released Sunday, March 14.  The deposit ensures we can reserve a copy.

Otherwise, they are very likely to run out.

Apple’s iPhone sometimes has similar challenges.

What’s the moral here?

Cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon.  Little boy blue and the man in the moon. When you coming home? I don’t know when. But we’ll get together then….

What Derails Our Confidence?

Find A Cure?

What derails our confidence?


Then, perhaps we should watch this You Tube video for our hourly dose of inspiration.

Before you decide to not click the video, let me simply ask you, right now, are you inspired to start your day? Are you 100% confident in your ability to be remarkable and indispensable?

I get nothing if you click through and watch it. Well, almost nothing.  I get the peace of knowing that I tried my best to help you this morning.

If you click here, you’ll see a common man, working for the phone company, who has every reason to back down from his destiny.

But he didn’t.  And neither should we.

Will be back again tomorrow for another shot at helping you with your daily dose of “don’t settle”.

PS.  The clip has 63 million views so far.

To Sin Or Not To Sin

Trash Is As Trash Does

Trash is as trash does.

Sins of commission (trying to do the right thing) are forgivable…

Sins of omission (doing nothing when you should be doing something) are not.

Is it acceptable to throw trash on the ground, because others have?

Is it acceptable to throw away your dreams because others have?

No Hometown Prophet


Yesterday’s post, with the quote sent from Sally, is a reminder of how difficult it is to have the confidence to feel like we can make a difference.

People who know you well, will not notice your transformation, and therefore, you are much more susceptible to their ridicule and your own doubt.

And during this Lenten Season, many are reminded of Jesus’ story. Jesus wasn’t considered a Prophet in his home town, but he should have been.

Instead, he changed the course of history with his humility. And his prophetic promise, and sacrifice.

No Matter Your Position

Mid Life Celebration
Mid Life Celebration

“You have the opportunity to be a powerful influence on the lives of other people, no matter your position in life.”V.J. Smith

A reader of the five daily blogs I write sent this quote in a separate email.

It’s powerful.

It’s powerful when you come to realize that if you believe long enough and hard enough, it’s contagious. And no amount of rank or position can take that away from you.  None.