Is there only one way to think about obstacles?

inspirational message
change the word Lent to Life


Is there only one way to think about obstacles?


Obstacles are irrelevant.

If it’s important to us, we’ll find a way. Won’t we?

If other things are more important, than we won’t find a way.

The devil let’s us believe that comfort, security, ease, etc are more important.

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How would we explain an independent HQ?

photographers surrounding an Apple product unveiling
has anyone ever shown us work life balance simplified?


How would we explain an independent HQ?

A clear, concise, and compelling understanding that organization and stress are directly proportional?

Our “in-box” never stops filling up.


Feeling like we’re always trying to catch up leaves us missing the present moments.

Extraordinarily, insidiously, stressful.

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We have to be insane to believe there’s a perfect one of these to help us

Three decent routes to get to Cafe Du Monde
Three decent routes to get to Cafe Du Monde


We have to be insane to believe there’s a perfect one of these to help us.

The perfect road map for our life.

Yet this is what most business and self-help books have over-promised us.

And by us, I mean all of us at some point in our lives – lost and desperate.

Like a snake-oil salesman claiming if we drink what’s in the bottle, we’ll be well again…

It’s a well-worn path of excuses for never writing our own road map, our own rule book.

It’s insidious. It’s obscene. Deadly even.

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Traditions are a healthy and creative way to stay organized

Florida family enjoying backyard pool
Central Florida swim season starts on the vernal equinox


Traditions are a healthy and creative way to stay organized.

And here’s to the crazy ones, the rule breakers, the obnoxious ones.

First day of Spring is the new first-day-of-swim-season tradition.

We help you think differently by showing you how it works for us.

And we all desire the same basic things.

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