Haiti One Week Later

Time Flies, Unless You're In Haiti
Time Flies, Unless You're In Haiti

Yesterday’s quote was from Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Haiti how many people, in the past seven days have:

  1. Died?
  2. Become homeless?

Mind boggling.  And then it dawned on me – all these world events. One tragedy after another.


Why did white people need someone like Martin Luther King to paint a better future?

Shouldn’t the better future have been a no-brainer?  I mean, seriously. Come on.

Anybody else starting to have deja vu?

Sound Like You?

“After one has discovered what he is called for, he should set out to do it with all of the power that he has in his system. Do it as if God almighty ordained you at this particular moment in history to do it.”

Know who said that?

PS. This is the second post here today.  Scroll down for the first.

Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Living Legend?


Martin Scorsase was awarded the Cecile B. Demille award last night at the Golden Globes.

I love movies but am not a movie buff. So seeing all Martin Scorsase’s films, in a flash compilation,  was amazing. I had no idea he was such a genius.

Watching that short highlight clip of the movies he’s directed and produced, was like watching, well, a living legend.

But today is not about living legends, today is about a legendary man, who had a dream.

A man who is no longer with us.

A man so legendary, that his dream changed the world.

Our son doesn’t have school today.  School’s closed, due to a National Holiday. And it ain’t for Mr Scorsase.

Just Give Up, OK?

Hope Is Free
Hope Is Free

How often do you feel like giving up?  Like quitting? Like what you do doesn’t matter? That the effort is too much, the payoff too little?

Received an email today. Compelled to share it.  And it wasn’t from a blog conversation, but a LinkedIn connection.

We connected, like people do, and I sent a personal message, like I always try to do, mentioning, “I am selling hope, and it’s free.”

He sent back a reply, which was a little confusing, so I asked for clarification.  He said:

“I mean it’s about putting it out there.  My dad’s quote (and every dad’s?) – You’ll only get out of life what you put in …Keep selling hope – we all need it.”

Did you catch that?  What his Dad always told him?

“You’ll only get out of life what you put in.”

What Do You Know?


Ever wonder why some people or businesses behave or sound a certain way on the Internet?

There is a simple explanation for this. But most people are clueless.  And that’s okay.  You can’t know everything.

So, you want to know a secret?  The reason they do this?

SEO.  Search Engine Optimization.

It’s such an over-hyped catch-phrase that it almost doesn’t mean anything in today’s world.

The catch-phrase doesn’t, but the outcome does. It’s a strategic, competitive advantage.

The redundant use of important keywords.  In the title, body and tags is what baits search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others, to move what you post higher on their search pages.

Here’s another little secret.  If you ain’t on the first page, you’re disadvantaged.

You know who ends up on the first page on Google, Yahoo, and Bing?

The people who work the hardest.