I Wonder What You Said

Can't Wait To Get Started!
Can't Wait To Get Started!

Hello everyone. Are you still excited about 2010?  Were you lying in your bed this morning wondering, “When is that alarm clock ever going to go off? Just bring it on!”

Funny isn’t?  Or maybe it’s crazy. Can you imagine having something you can’t wait to get started on?

And so, I just re-read the big question from yesterday.

“How are you doing with your impossible goal?”

Only One On The Internet?


Being the Internet’s only Five-a-Day Blogger, there is a certain feeling of, well, it’s hard to describe.

It’s like finding yourself in a place you never dreamed of, but if you did dream of it, you’d think it would be:

  1. Impossible to achieve
  2. Impossible to maintain
  3. Crazy (but a good crazy)

Well, after writing 1,500 posts in the spontaneous, same-day format, I can’t stop myself.

In fact, some days I do need to stop myself.


Because I want to write more than one post per blog.  “That would be too much for the Internet community to read”, I think to myself.

And then it occurs to me, “What if it’s not?”

That’s today’s message.  As you are nearly two weeks into your new year, “How are you doing with your impossible goal?”

Facebook Privacy

What The?
What The?



Social norms.

Founder, CEO, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook claims Privacy is no longer a social norm.

He’s right, but people older than 30 have their heads in the sand.  If you are an entrepreneur, I’d read this article, reflect on it and figure out a way to stay current.

This issue opportunity is changing the Internet, which changes everything else.

PS.  This is the second post today.  Scroll down for the first.

No Wait This IS Funny

Trust me on this one, this one is actually some of my best work, if you can call One-Take-You Tube videos work.

Makes me laugh, because I just turn on the camera and start talking. No idea what I’m going to say. No editing. Just a One-Take-You Tube video.