Step up to the plate every single day

New Year's Resolutions


(photo: December 31, 2014 from a Senior Living Facility in Allentown, PA. The time and temperature on the bottom right are from Philly. It’s 25 here.)

The beautiful thing about writing five daily, differently-themed blogs is that every day is not a home run. But every day is an opportunity to step up to the plate and swing away.

Whatever it is you hope for, may you step up to the plate every single day.

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One big goal might be to travel more (with Family)

Disney Institute philosophy


(photo: Disney Institute philosophy is simple, yet game changing.)

Couple great days in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.

Where did you spend your final week of the year?

How big are your 2015 goals?

What will you do differently, and to a greater extent, than you’ve done in the past.

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It’s our job as the chief executive

Split level house steps


(photo: There are three sets of steps in a tri-level home. If you had mobility issues, what would you do if you were in your 70’s?)

Our mind, body and spirit are our responsibility.

As challenging as it is to manage this for a lifetime, we really can not expect things to get better or easier by using procrastination or quitting.

Seriously. Can we?

Life’s a bitch full of challenges.

This also is not a secret.

And it’s our job to be the exception.

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Home sweet home

Home sweet home


(photo: Spring Grove, Pennsylvania Family room.)

Ever have a moment where 50 years have gone by and it feels like the blink of an eye?

Each human being is so insignificant and the years fly by like the wind, invisible and barely noticeable most of the time.

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