The challenge with resumes is two fold:
- They’re inflated
- They sound the same
This was my point with the post about LinkedIn profiles the other day.
Of course, everyone looking for a job is going to say, “I’m very smart. I’m really bright. I’m so smart.”
I mean, seriously, what else are they going to say?

So if there’s a sea of silver and white (smart) fish, how do you become the rainbow (desirable) fish? The one that people go, “Did you see that fish?”
If I were you, I’d go change your profile right now. Or else you can just keep swimming, just keep swimming….because…

It’s tempting to think, “Who the heck does he think he is telling me I should change my LinkedIn Profile, or my Resume? My professional resume and LinkedIn profile are fine.”
To which I just smile and so, “Oh, okay, sorry, what was I thinking?”

(next blog)