A Big Part Of Being Organized Is Being Inspired To Live That Way

I ain’t the brightest light bulb in the pack, but I do know one thing that most don’t….

You have to be inspired to be organized. It’s a hard skill to stay with because life throws so many curve balls. A lot of people quit trying because life doesn’t become so easy like they imagined.

Be inspired to fight the never ending battle with life’s in-box.

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Mid Life Celebration LLC Is Busting A Move Trying To Get The First Best Selling Book Finished

You only feed her for the day if you give her the fish. Go. Teach. Fail. Teach some more.

Mid Life Celebration LLC has a BIG dream to help make the world a little nicer for future generations. Attempting this is back-breaking work. Mid Life Celebration welcomes and embraces failures because they are contractual.

Part of being organized, I’ve found, is expecting to fail, repeatedly. But quit? Never.

And then eventually, like yesterday, comes a breakthrough.


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Have You Hugged An Organized Person Lately?

Flying Delta, at 35k feet, reading Seth Godin’s Linchpin in 2010, snapped this note, never knowing it’d come in handy today.

While there can be dozens of reasons to not finish writing a book, there really is only one. Organization. Or maybe it’s passion. Or, um, decisiveness. I’m not sure.

Bottom line (for real this time) why a book doesn’t get finished: The writer quits.

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Top 10 Reasons It’s Hard To Finish Writing A Book

Top 10 reasons it’s hard to finish writing a book:

  1. Life gets busy
  2. Timeline too aggressive
  3. Business partner leaves
  4. New plan takes time to develop
  5. New timeline is too aggressive
  6. Publishing options keep changing
  7. Travel
  8. Exercise
  9. Meditation
  10. Writing 5 daily blogs

Be easier to walk away from these poor odds, wouldn’t it?

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You Know Who’s Books Get Placed On the Bottom Shelves?

Iowa Hotel library again. By the way, my answer below is pure speculation…

The authors who’s books are placed at the bottom, are the ones who don’t sell much.

Writing is a very different skill than marketing. Readers don’t flock to a book just because it’s published.

Great marketers aren’t lucky, they’re organized.

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