Do you have a set bedtime?

Sanibel sunset
The clock clicks off one busy day after another.


Do you have a set bedtime?

i never did until 1999 (at 40 years old) when i began a career at Disney Institute.

The position required me to be the first one in the classroom or convention center ballroom as the Disney facilitator or Disney keynote speaker.

It’s been a game-changer, becoming a morning person.

It’s also been a roller coaster ride trying to get eight hours of sleep each night.

Such is life.

Can’t imagine how challenging it’d be without having a compelling vision for achieving it.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Rest is a weapon

Before going to bed last night, did we know our plan for when we awoke this morning? One priority was to photograph names of subdivisions behind Magic Kingdom, for a friend who wants to purchase a residence here.


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Rest is a weapon against apathy and mediocrity.

Between ambition and being disorganized, we fight a battle with our time usage.

This will literally last a lifetime.

Consider one of my mantras:

The work day begins the night before.

It’s primary meaning is that we plan tomorrow’s priorities before we go to bed.

Of course, this is challenging, difficult even, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

It also means we should figure out how to be in bed early enough to allow for adequate and consistent rest. Simple, but not easy.

Next Blog

The Dog That Stole Jesus’ Sandal

One Final Walk on Feb. 13, 2010
One Final Walk on Feb. 13, 2010

Do you day dream?

I mean sometimes, do you day dream so big that it surprises you?

Yesterday, I had a daydream that our beloved Canine Son Carter, an 11-year old Yellow Lab stole one of Jesus’ sandals.

We laid Carter to rest yesterday morning, Valentine’s Day.

It was a glorious moment when the image of Carter meeting Jesus and licking Jesus’ face so much with affectionate kisses that Jesus finally had to laugh and say, “OK Carter, enough, that’s enough already.”

And Carter obeyed. But quickly grabbed one of Jesus’ sandals and began his favorite game – keep away.

Dream big today, no matter your circumstance. Try not to let any thing or any one deprive you of your most glorious day dream.