Beats fighting it

iPhone 6s new features
Picking up my pre-ordered iPhone 6s today.


iPhone 6s and iPhone 6+s are available today.

Preordered one of each 13 days ago (the first day you could).

And there will come a day when this phone (the most advanced ever) will become antiquated.

Pretty cool how fast things change isn’t it?

PS. Whether we think the fast pace is cool or not isn’t going to change the pace. Best to embrace it, eh? Beats the heck out of fighting it.




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Don’t Expect It During Your Lifetime

Why not just walk down to the river's edge, cup our hand and grab a drink?
We talk a kitchen sink for granted. A toilet too.

There may come a time when humans slow down and “go with the flow” and not push so hard for the next big thing that will make our lives easier (and the inventors rich).

Personally, I won’t expect it during my lifetime.

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