Who are these people?

behaviors trump intentions
Does this inspire or overwhelm you?

Do the people around you lift you up?

Do they challenge and teach you?

Do you do the same for them?

As i celebrate today’s double significance – 5th Disney retirement anniversary and New Years Eve 2019 – it is humbling to know how gratitude is the key to everything.

Do your friends bath in gratitude?

Do you?

Happy present moment.

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Three days until he sees 55

Iowa Children's Hospital
If you run a lot, you’ll earn a reputation as a runner


When you finally become comfortable with who you are, you’ll discover that not everyone likes this.

Do it anyway.

Seek peace with who you are.

Seek contentment with what you have.

Those not liking you have their own battles to fight. Be kind, gentle, and generous, and feel no obligation to change their mind.

Next Blog

No Matter Your Position

Mid Life Celebration
Mid Life Celebration

“You have the opportunity to be a powerful influence on the lives of other people, no matter your position in life.”V.J. Smith

A reader of the five daily blogs I write sent this quote in a separate email.

It’s powerful.

It’s powerful when you come to realize that if you believe long enough and hard enough, it’s contagious. And no amount of rank or position can take that away from you.  None.