RIP Nelson Mandela (December 5, 2013)

Two great books about rockstars
One legendary rockstar (Jimmy page), one unheralded rockstar (for now)


We make excuses, we live with regret, we get second chances, but yet we wait for permission. This might be a great time to let you know there’s a book out there that will inspire the ready person to grant themselves permission. – jn

There is no passion to be found in settling for a life less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela (RIP yesterday, December 5, 2013)

If inclined, go to Amazon, type jeff noel.

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Figure it out

The website redesign will have to wait
The website redesign will have to wait


Figure it out.

Few things ring truer the closer you get to a milestone deadline.

Three days away from Thanksgiving 2013.

Figure it out.


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Serenity and Xulon Press

Mid Life Celebration book
The book spine correction (left) is remarkably easier on the eyes


Mid Life Celebration book
Errors happen and are a lovely opportunity for recovery


Mid Life Celebration book
Xulon Press is the world’s largest Christian self publishing company


Mid Life Celebration book
A new challenge, the front cover is not centered (notice left book)


God grant us the wisdom to know the difference between what we can control, and what we can’t.

The clock is ticking and already one month behind.

What would you do?

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