Cool weather and silly awards. On the short drive home from the High School safety assembly, i stopped at Publix for a few groceries.
It was a surprising wonderful few moments.
Parking in the shade, the car windows already down, there was a great song on the radio. i sat in the car until it was over, and couldn’t remember the last time i did that without feeling the stress of being late.
The Fall air was cooled even further by the breeze and walking in in just a t-shirt felt wonderful.
Without a list, i grabbed a cart and began in the produce section and casually worked my way around.
Made (unrushed) small talk with employees at two stations. And had a nice talk with the young man who pushed the groceries to the car and loaded them in.
To top it off, as i turned onto our street, the family who will soon be breaking ground next to us sat on a blanket under an Oak tree – later they shared they were having a prayer service for all the animals (including the ants) that will be displaced by their future home.
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