Home turbulence

This morning’s quick call to fix the glitch i predicted existed. The glitch revolved around a DNS issue. Bryan fixed it. Thirty minutes later, the migration was complete.

The quality of your life is from the quality of your priorities.


Priorities are multi-layered.

Priorities start at the top-line level with a handful of categories.

Mine are…






Each of the top-line priorities has a subset of priorities.

Each subset has a subset.

You can drill this down to the most granular level.

Kinda like all the steps it takes for a mountain to become grains of sand.

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This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.