There Are Some People You Don’t Need Very Often, But When You Need Them, You Really Need Them

Who’s looking after your investment?

Roofer: Huffnagle Construction, Inc: Call David Connell for estimates 407-417-2574. Call Chris Huffnagle for emergencies. After the three 2004 hurricanes, they replaced our roof and have replaced siding as well. Top notch, hard working, trustworthy.

Septic Tank: Shelly’s Septic Tank 407-889-8042 or [email protected] Reliable, very responsive, reasonable, trustworthy.

Flooring: Lost the contact of our tile floor professional.

Screens: A decade ago we had two great screened porch contractors. One for a big back porch, one for a smaller front porch job. Neither seem to be in business anymore.

Windows: Have not yet had a need. Huffnagle Construction is who I’d call.

Doors: Have not yet had a need. Huffnagle Construction is who I’d call.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.