Two inspired (and one uninspired) mistakes that turned out to be winners.
- Used a prototype laptop (iPhone 7 Plus) for the very first time in 17 years of full-time speaking. This potential (yet inspired) mistake included using a prototype slide clicker (iPhone 7).
- Changed my necktie three times the first day, to coincide with three significant content topic changes. This didn’t qualify as an inspired mistake, but i did enjoy doing it for the first time ever.
- Wore jeans and running shoes for the first time. Steve Jobs inspired that one.
Why were these firsts?
The iPhone’s capabilities have improved compared to when i was at Disney.
Disney has an intentional set of dress code standards and i followed the Disney standards for the first two years being out on my own.
Until this week.
i love preaching what i practice.
.think .differently
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