Launch a cultural transformation in three simple steps

Declaration of Independence vision
Substitute the word “Company Culture” for the word “World”.


Wrote this to help a client envision what working with a Disney Business Advisor will look like…


Launch a holistic cultural transformation in three primary steps to ensure buy-in and unification.


Prelude from jeff:

  • VISION: To demonstrate & enlighten participants with the power of world-class cultural architecture
  • MISSION: To use 30 years Disney expertise to showcase what is self-evident & irrefutable
  • BRAND: To fill each participant with perpetual hope
  • CUSTOMER: Every single employee is important
  • (BONUS: Every session is packed with remarkable insight, energy, engagement, passion & fun)


1. Executive engagement

  • Executive & Senior Leaders
  • Two day agenda
  • 70/30 content focus (Disney/Yours)
  • Content: Leadership Chain of Excellence
  • Deliverables: Vision, architecture, accountability, unity, buy-in


2. Leadership engagement

  • All salaried leaders, including executive team
  • Two day agenda
  • 70/30 content focus (Disney/Yours)
  • Content: Leadership Chain of Excellence
  • Deliverables: Vision, architecture, accountability, unity, buy-in, tools


3. Front line engagement

  • All front line employees, including executive team
  • One day agenda (may require multiple days to reach all employees)
  • 30/70 content focus (Disney/Yours)
  • Content: Customers, Reputation, Improvement
  • Deliverables: Vision, architecture, accountability, tools, hope, pride


Specialty engagement (if needed)

  • Special Employee Group (Vendors, Contract Employees, Physicians, etc), plus executive team
  • Four-hour agenda commitment
  • 70/30 content focus (Disney/Yours)
  • Content: Leadership Chain of Excellence
  • Key Deliverables: Hope, unity, buy-in, vision, architecture, accountability, tools


Value-driven engagement fees:


Single-event engagement schedule (Leadership Retreat):

  • $33k One day engagement
  • $28k Half-day engagement


Multiple engagements schedule (Cultural Transformation):

  • $33k/day 1st Engagement (2 days = $66k)
  • $28k/day 2nd Engagement (2 days = $56k)
  • $26k 3rd Engagement (1 day = $26k)
  • $23k 4th Engagement (1 day = $23k)
  • $18k 5th-10th Engagement (per day = $18k)



  • You only work with the owner (jeff) so you are getting the very best every time
  • You are one of a select group (jeff typically averages five or less clients per year)
  • Typical cross-section for pre-transformation commitment levels is roughly 20-60-20.
  • 20% – “Let’s go”
  • 60% – “I’ll wait and see”
  • 20% – “It’ll never work”
  • Some industries, like Healthcare, may have a fourth layer of employees; in this case Physicians.


Questions…[email protected] or 407-538-4341





On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.