On The Eve Of A Father’s Scary Promise

A whisper from God. I'm sure of it.

Today is the eve of the 3rd anniversary for a new father’s scary promise to leave a trail for his young Son. A 100-day challenge to write everyday, about life’s big choices.

Dear God, thank you for showing a narrow path.

Insight: There are no guarantees in life except taxes and death. Go!

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Mistakes And Embarrassment Always Precede Progress

Life is full of setbacks. As sure as the sun rises and sets.

Thank you for being part of this community, part of this “tribe” of uncommon sense. What makes us successful at anything is always the same cluster of factors: a big dream, intense desire, very hard work, sheer refusal to quit, mistakes, embarrassment, and slowly, steadily…progress.

Insight: Use your emotional memory to remember this recipe is accurate and it has worked for you in the past and will work again in your future.

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A Never Ending Process Of Growth, Death, Rebirth

Who's to say what's possible and what's not.

As April Fool’s Day approaches, I reflect on those very first blogs and how hard it was at the beginning to find my way. I believe God blesses the ignorant (that’d be me) believer. Two unique phrases and my name being synonomous is a mystery and a blessing I could have never dreamt up:

  • The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger
  • The Blog Whisperer

There was also no comprehension that I’d still be starting every morning on my knees. April 1, 2009 was a very special beginning indeed.

Insight: Pass

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