What seems insignificant, isn’t

Orlando's best keynote speakers


(photo: Yesterday, downtown, at the bank – in the heart of Downtown Disney)

This could sound boring and insignificant. We see what we want to see.

Being organized doesn’t mean perfect. Couldn’t find the 2004 Honda van title in our files. Went to SunTrust Bank to check the safety deposit box. No luck.

Coggin Honda needs the title asap.

Just another in the long list of things popping up on our list that distract us from the important stuff, causing stress.

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Is it possible to organize our stress?

NYC graveyard
Death is fair and inclusive because no one is denied. So what is there to stress about?


Is it possible to organize our stress?

Do we have ways to decompress, put on hold, creatively solve for, and even enjoy our stress?

What if we did?


What if?

Would it change everything?

How could it not?

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Life is brutal

Canadian Rockies
Frozen wilderness is one of the most brutal (Canadian Rockies)


Life is brutal.

Deadlines. Pressure.

Lack of deadlines. Ambiguity.

Priorities. Competing.


Our fear isn’t in failing.

Seriously, it’s not.

And we should embrace our fear.

We see it clearly when we see what our real fear should be.

What if our real fear was in not learning from the constant pressure and ambiguity?

And then repeating the same, insidiously fearful cycle.

Would we have conquered fear if we had harnessed our fear and the ambiguity?

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Part of being organized is doing things that won’t have value

The Breakers at sunset in Palm Beach, Florida
Late afternoon arrival allowed an hour of exploration before room service dinner


The Breakers oceanfront pool
The ocean is only a few feet away


Ocean front meeting room at The Breakers
Yes, the ocean is visible from where I’ll be speaking from


Ocean front meeting room at The Breakers
No, seriously, the Atlantic Ocean is right there


jeff noel profesional speaker with beach front view
An ‘i was really there shot’ (because seriously, there’s never been a view from the stage like this is 14 years)


At 10am, the curtains will need to be drawn shut or the screens will be washed out.

Part of being organized is doing things that won’t have value until a future date – in this case last night for this morning. Going into today fully prepared. No surprises. No doubt.

Would have been so much easier to order an early room service dinner and chill in the room last night. And worry about logistics and vibe this morning.

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