You’ve got mail (with a video link)


Renew your passions daily.  – Terri Guillemets


Sally sends out promotional emails to anyone who’s asked her to. i asked a couple years ago after i saw her speak in Denver. She began her 8:00am speech by doing a shot of Jagermeister with an audience volunteer (a “Jagermeister virgin”).

i’m fascinated by her theories.

The six facts about Mystique personality (mine, according to her personality test) was fun to watch but it’s not scientific.

While not scientific, it still was fun.

Kinda like doing a shot of Jager at 8am in front of an audience.


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Acknowledge yourself in the absence of others

Orlando sunrise
Recent walk near home.


orlando sunrise
Leaving our neighborhood for a walk to the gym.


Epcot parking
Pretty decent row, and on the end.


Disney Innovation speaker
Texted this photo to let the client know i made it to Epcot.


Acknowledging a mistake just means that you are wiser today than you were yesterday.  – Kelly Ann Rothaus


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

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What’s mine is yours

Keynote Speaker marketing
No promises on merchandise. And, yes, i think about it.


Keynote Speaker marketing
Graphic designer ideas.


Keynote Speaker marketing
Graphic designer ideas.


Keynote Speaker marketing
Would i ever have a slide like this? Not sure, but i do know for sure, right now the answer is not no.


Keynote Speaker marketing
The best i can hope for this year is possibly having a visual with 8 books, not 14.


Keynote Speaker marketing
i like cool t-shirts.


Keynote Speaker marketing
i like simple t-shirts.


Keynote Speaker marketing
i like graphics like this once in a while. Not for a presentation, but for other purposes, like marketing.


If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.


i picture a future that includes simple, inspiring images and messages on t-shirts and other merchandise. i picture the images and messages being mine.


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

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Thank goodness the Internet has disrupted everything

Disney Institute certificate
Disney Institute certificate (screenshot from DI Twitter feed).


Disney Institute workbook
Disney Institute workbook (screenshot from DI Twitter feed).


Disney Institute workbook
Disney Institute workbook (screenshot from DI Twitter feed).


Disney Institute workbook
Disney Institute workbook/certificate combo (screenshot from DI Twitter feed).


It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.  – Walt Disney


Amen to that.


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Stretch like you mean it

Disney characters
Some views are not what you expect. They are different. And possibly better. Different and better often travel together.

You are the one who can stretch your own horizon.  – Edgar Magnin


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

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