Reward Excellent Failures

Reinvent The Gate
Reinvent The Gate

“Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre success.” — Phil Daniels, Sydney Executive

This quote inspires the heck out of me.  Seriously.

If ever there was a pervasive vision for risk-taking, this would be the battle cry.

Sunny With A Chance Of

Sing Like No One Is Listening
Sing Like No One Is Listening

Sunny with a chance of amazing!

Happy Monday everyone.

Having a GREAT week is ultimately up to each one of us. Our attitude shapes our behaviors, and our behaviors reinforce our attitude.

It’s a revolving door, so to speak. It’s also a habit.

And the easier it is to do, the harder it is to change.

Remember today’s forecast. Be prepared. Bring your sunglasses and sunscreen.

All We Can Do Is Try


Yesterday, an unsolicited LinkedIn invitation reached my inbox. Being an open networker on LinkedIn and Twitter, I gladly accepted Matt’s LinkedIn invite.

Social media tools really are like anything else in life – you get out of it what you put into it. Period.

Did you know social media has surpassed pornography as the number one Internet activity?

We often hear of blind spots, mostly with a negative connotation.

But not yesterday:  “Great profile and great blogs. It seems you live your life as you present it.”

When you’re a small business startup, you are everything: Visionary, Marketing, PR, HR, Finance, Spokesperson, Ambassador, Idea Creator, Innovator, Spiritual Director, Artistic Director, Secretary, Networker, Errand Boy, Office Manager, “Gopher”, Rookie, CEO, Janitor, and everything else.

All you can do is try. But until you actually try it on your own, you have no idea.

I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

Twitter Summary
Twitter Summary
Twitter = jeffnoelmidlife
Twitter = jeffnoelmidlife

Soul Silver Pokemon

Pokemon (Pocket Monster)
Pokemon (Pocket Monster)

What do children want?

Seems to me they want their parents to notice stuff.

Notice what they like to do and how well they do it.

Last night our son and I put a five dollar deposit on the new Pokemon game, Soul Silver, which is being released Sunday, March 14.  The deposit ensures we can reserve a copy.

Otherwise, they are very likely to run out.

Apple’s iPhone sometimes has similar challenges.

What’s the moral here?

Cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon.  Little boy blue and the man in the moon. When you coming home? I don’t know when. But we’ll get together then….