No one cares about our reputation

Rockefeller Center Ice Skating rink
Organize our life so that exercise compliments and enhances other opportunities, like getting outside to see stuff


No one cares about our reputation.

They all know we have one.

But they do not care about making ours better.

At all.

That’s our job.

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The big picture makes it all make sense

Dumbo scene created with Lego pieces
We go through life so quickly we find it difficult to see life’s bigger picture


Dumbo scene created with Lego pieces
Stepping away, we begin to get clues


Dumbo scene created with Lego pieces
The big picture makes it all make sense


One day at a time. We become organized, or disorganized, one day at a time.

Life’s struggles and successes are directly proportional to our mastery of personal organization.

We know this.

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Day in the life:

jeff noel professional speaker in large ballroom
This was not my room… wish it would have been. Who doesn’t love a raging fire!


Day in the life:

4:30am wake

6:00am walk to venue

6:30am a/v check

8:00 keynote speech

10:00am keynote speech

11:30am walk back to hotel/pack

12:00pm cab to airport/lunch

3:00pm Indy to Atlanta flight

5:15pm fly home/talk to Lucille O’neal in 1st class

7:00pm drive home

8:00pm light dinner/family time

10:00pm write this post

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