The last person they want impressing them

Disney Leadership Speakers


(photo: Small middle school class after Holiday concert performance.)

Teens are impressionable.

And the last person they want impressing them is their parents.


Fear of embarrassment.

Parents, be organized enough to slay your teen’s fears.

Those of you without teens there’s a message in here for you. It’s yours to discover.

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The power of a piece of paper

ore of appreciation for co worker


(photo: A wonderful note at a perfect time… in reality just a piece of paper… yet thoughtfulness makes the ordinary, well, Magical.)

TWDC stands for The Walt Disney Company.

Thirty years ago a young couple relocated from Washington State to build a home, and a life, behind The World’s Most Famous Theme Park.

The best is yet to come….

Switch to the Mind Blog

Be organized enough to manage your biggest dreams

Dog surrounded by loving children
What inspires us to not quit? Family? A dog? A child? What?


Be organized enough to manage your biggest dreams.

Last night watching Oprah’s Master Class show, featuring Jay-Z and his thoughts, insights, and advice on life.

His first album Reasonable Doubt is a classic Rap album, but wasn’t a huge commercial success. So his second album he tried harder to be more commercially popular and financially successful.

He succeeded.

He hated it.

Selling out.

Those who know what Jay-Z is talking about find this one of the most important decisions a person can make.

Choosing to be happy creating their art, versus chasing the big bank account.

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